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Gi - Jitsu Training uniform

Jitsu Oceania Students are required to purchase the same type of Gi.


Please contact Jules Robson and he will order using the club discount from the UK.


















The model of gi we have chosen has been specially made to better suit the purposes of the Jitsu practitioner. Karate or Judo style suits which are not really ideal for this art.   All Gi include trousers and are supplied complete with white belt.

Special Features 

  1. Extra Soft Material - This Deluxe 750g Sashiko Ori fabric has undergone a special softening process in addition to having a brushed cotton interior, greaty increasing the comfort.

  2. Short Sleeves - All traditional Japanese clothing has a ¾ length sleeves.  For unarmed arts this is particularly practical as there are many grabs to the wrists and suchlike which can be impeded by the longer Judo style sleeve.

  3. Minimised Reinforcement -  Due to the nature of Jitsu it is not necessary to heavily reinforce the lapels of the Gi which stiffens the suit considerably and make it more uncomfortable to train in.  

  4. Fewer Seams - Bulky seams have been minimised by manufacturing the Gi from two pieces only, front and back.  This increases the overall strength of the Gi whilst removing the seam at the top of the shoulder and arm which makes the cut of the Gi better and rolling falls more comfortable.

  5. Double Layer Apron - The lower apron section of our  Gi has been made with two layers of soft fabric.  This makes the Gi especially suitable to be worn with Hakama.


The exact price depends on the exchange rate and postage costs but it is normally $100 per gi. This is considerably less than an equivalent quality Judo gi bought in NZ $120.


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